Adocentyn Library
Albany, CA
A great resource
Adocentyn Library

New Wiccan Church
A BTW Organization
New Wiccan Church

All BTWs welcomed

Covenant of the Goddess
A Pan-Wicca Organization
Covenant of the Goddess

NROOGD history
A trustworthy group to refer seekers who are curious about Wicca/Paganism in the Bay Area

South Bay Circles

south bay circles

Celebrate the seasons
of the ritual year
with us

Scheduled Events

FEASL--Monthly BoS Discussion

  • 3rd Monday of each  month--7:30pm start
    • The assumption will be all attending will
      have had dinner. Feel free to bring 
      drinks and munchies.
    • Location? See EkoEko List. 
      Level of material to be discussed
      will be announced on EkoEko list

Drawing Down The Moon Study Group

Contact Tabitha

Attending Gathers

  • Eko Eko is a Group for Bay Area/Northern California Gardnerian Witches.

      • A proper vouch is necessary to join
        this group and/or participate in group activities.

      • The specifics of our schedule are not available and our activities are NOT open to general public

We are aware that the Gardnerian community can sometimes be riven with political and interpersonal tensions.  
We ask that any such divisions be left at the door in order to come together in celebration of our Tradition.

Honi Soit Qui Mal Pense 


find us on facebook



email contact


EkoEko Group
Announcement List
All Degrees Welcome

egroup must have vouch

Gather Group
Third Degree Members Only List
3rd degree only group

Crew & Support for Gathers

egroup baclchannel

Ancient Ways
Ancient Ways store
Pantheacon Convention

California Line
California Line history

Information from an actual California Line Gardnerian